Thursday, March 28, 2013


"I lay down my life—only to take it up again.  No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again." John 10:17-18

This week we will be celebrating Easter Sunday so we all have the opportunity to meditate on the lessons that we can learn as Christians on the meaning of the miracle of resurrection.

Every resurrection follows a crucifixion experience; a beautiful rebirth follows times of pain and doubt. As we surrender to Spirit, we evolve in love and peace and we are ready to rise to all life has to offer.

When we are experiencing darkness or difficulty, we can believe with certainty that the power and love of Spirit will bring us comfort and direction. ---“When I am facing any challenge, I am never alone. I am always sure that there is value and promise even in the toughest times. During hardship or heartache, I can find a great lesson. In the transition from darkness to light, I gain new understanding about myself and about life. I find the strength and resilience to go on. My heart is open to greater expressions of peace and joy.”---Daily Word

We always have a choice on our decisions. Choosing not to hold a grudge or harbor hard feelings toward anyone. This choice is for your own well-being as well as for the other person. Unforgiveness stored into your heart would be a block to the flow of love. Repeating these words, I FORGIVE, you overcome resistance and open the heart to experience greater peace and joy. As we practice FORGIVENESS, we claim our oneness with the Universe and see the good in all. I view myself and others with compassion and the assurance that we are equally and unconditionally loved. "To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you." - Lewis B. Smedes

A big AHA MOMENT for me on RESURRECTING MY SPIRIT has been understanding that "I Am Here On This Earth For My Own Soul's Evolution - Not To Take Care or Responsibility Of the Evolution of others". (Let go and release control) I will let YOU take care of yourself and that will mean that I may have to set personal boundaries so that I am not pulled away from tending to my needs. From now on I permit myself to love others without taking responsibility for their happiness or pain, and that does not mean that I don't love the other person nor make me a selfish person. Every person is responsible for their own happiness and growth on this planet because they see life from their own perspective and not from my own perspective. By doing that, I will allow others to enjoy or suffer their own experiences, making them free to grow at their own pace. ACCEPTANCE, FORGIVENESS and GRATITUDE are the feelings I choose for my heart. We can't spend the rest of our life dwelling on the past and what could've been. It's time to move on. When we are stuck in the past, blaming others of our unhappiness, we choose to stay with the unhappy/victim self -- that's not the path I choose FOR ME! I could not allow FEAR and GUILT control my life anymore. The other face of FEAR is LOVE...

I forgive myself first and then I am able to forgive others, which prepares the way for a new beginning--a RESURRECTION OF MY HEART--- that leaves me both, peaceful and joyful. As I always say, this is a work in progress because many times we find that the thought is easier than the action. But little steps on my goal will take me closer to the finish line.... YES and YES!

What are the choices you will take to RESURRECT YOUR SPIRIT? Remember to practice the three (3) most important things that will allow you to evolve and bring the light of joy into your life:  ACCEPTANCE, FORGIVENESS and GRATITUDE.

Evelyn Torres is a Transformational Life Coach

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