Today I was doing a guided meditation from the Chopra Center and the mantra was “What do I want?, What do I want?, What do I want?”
Many times when we ask people “What do you want?” the answer is happiness, joy, loving relationships, peace of mind. Our desires could be external, like material gains. They could be physical desires, like food, water, sex. Also we have internal desires, like emotional or spiritual-soul connections. We all could have different desires during our life on very different levels. They change as we evolve in our physical and spiritual life, and that’s perfectly fine. It is part of being human.
We may want a good job, a big house, more money. We wish to have a fit body, to enjoy good health. We want to connect more with our family and friends, be able to feel peace and enjoy life; these are different desires, and it is our birthright to ask the Universe and be opened to receive.
Deepak Chopra teaches that one thing is always the same for all of us; it is what he calls the heart desires: Attention, Affection, Acceptance and Appreciation. When we fulfill those desires of our heart, our life is centered which allows the flow of our needs on the physical, mental and spiritual level; we are centered in Love, which is what we are all about. “We are spiritual beings in physical bodies”, as Deepak teaches, and our center is Love. Our happiness comes only when we are centered in the heart and Love is the center of the heart.
So today when I was asking myself during my meditation “What do I Want?” I just centered myself in my Heart. I opened my heart to Love and imagined that Love was flowing from my body and covering the world. I asked the question “What do I Want?” and set my intention and my desires, without expectation, knowing that any intention that is coming from my heart centered with Love, will be fulfilled at the right time. I will be open to receive, not on my time, but at the time that the Universe feels that is my time.
Remember your heart desires: Attention, Affection, Acceptance and Appreciation. Also remember that this Love comes from the inside of your being to the outside world, not in reverse.The starting point is to fill your own heart with Love: Accept yourself, Appreciate yourself, bring Attention to yourself and give Affection to yourself. Then you will be able to give and receive.
Go to your heart and be opened to receive. When we open our heart to Love, the Universe will open for us and our question “What do I Want?” will be answered at the right moment.....It is up to us to be opened and listen when the Universe is giving us the answer. Namasté......
By: Evelyn Torres for AwarenessWisdom
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